Table 2.

Study population demographic and clinical characteristics at baseline.

CharacteristicTotal, n = 305
Mean (SD) age, yrs57.00 (12.38)
Male, n (%)87 (28.5)
Mean (SD) BMI, kg/m225.09 (4.1)*
Comorbidities, n (%)46 (15.1)
Employment status, n (%)
  Active90 (29.8)
  Incapacitated84 (27.8)
  Retired64 (21.2)
  Other64 (21.2)
Mean (SD) RA disease duration, yrs11.77 (9.94)
Mean (SD) DAS28-CRP3.54 (1.5)§
DAS28-CRP categorization, n (%)
  Remission/LDA138 (44.4)§
  Moderate to high173 (55.6)§
Current RA treatment, n (%)
  Conventional DMARD only171 (56.4)#
  Biologic DMARD132 (43.6)#
  Glucocorticoids138 (45.8)††
Sleep medication, n (%)
  Never217 (71.1)
  Currently58 (19.0)
Concurrent medication, n (%)
  Antidepressants37 (12.1)
  Antidepressant type: sedative13 (35.1)‡‡
  Antiallergy medication11 (3.6)
  Analgesia149 (48.9)
  Antihypertensives74 (24.3)
Concurrent consumption, n (%)
  Caffeinated drinks245 (84.2)§§
  Alcohol148 (50.2)
  • * n = 293.

  • Incapacitated included sick leave, early retirement, permanently invalid, n = 302. Other includes unemployed, at home, not known.

  • n = 295.

  • § n = 311.

  • Biologic DMARD includes abatacept, adalimumab, etanercept, infliximab, and rituximab.

  • # n = 303.

  • †† n = 301.

  • ‡‡ n = 37 (current antidepressant users only).

  • §§ n = 291. BMI: body mass index; DAS28-CRP: 28-joint Disease Activity Score (C-reactive protein); DMARD: disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; LDA: low disease activity; RA: rheumatoid arthritis.