Risk of developing RA according to HLA-DRB1 risk alleles and smoking status.

HLA-DRB1/SmokingNo. CasesOR (95% CI)
SE (*01:01, *04:01, *04:04, *04:05, *04:08, *04:10, *10:01)
  −/+522.38 (1.47–3.85)
  +/−10545.91 (4.86–7.19)
  +/+21714.05 (8.85–22.30)
  AP††0.48 (0.26–0.70)
  RERI††6.76 (0.84–12.67)
  S††2.07 (1.32–3.26)
  +/−2603.72 (2.85–4.86)
  +/+579.58 (4.85–18.95)
  AP††0.45 (0.09–0.80)
  +/−6629.01 (7.09–11.46)
  +/+12516.31 (9.03–29.46)
  AP††0.37 (0.02–0.73)
  +/−1155.79 (3.82–8.77)
  +/+2624.71 (6.76–90.29)
  AP††0.71 (0.34–1.09)
  +/−4014.41 (3.48–5.59)
  +/+727.10 (4.06–12.41)
  AP††0.15 (−0.28–0.59)#
  RERI††1.09 (−2.52–4.71)
  S††1.22 (0.67–2.22)
  • OR were calculated by comparing each group with the corresponding reference group [individuals without HLA–DRB1 risk alleles (*01:01, *04:01, *04:04, *04:05, *04:08, *04:10, *09:01, *10:01)], and were adjusted for age and sex.

  • †† The attributable proportions (AP), relative excess risk due to interaction (RERI), and synergy index (S) were calculated for gene-environmental interaction.

  • # Not statistically significant (p > 0.05). RA: rheumatoid arthritis.