Table 4.

Basic immunosuppressive therapy in 280 patients with mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD).

Clinical Symptoms (no. patients)Treatment
Skin (rash, photosensitivity; n = 102)CS and antimalarials
Arthritis (n = 207)Antimalarials, low-dose CS (prednisone ≤ 20 mg/day), MTX for flares
Erosive arthritis (n = 44)MTX, disease-modifying agents such as TNF-α blockers
Serositis (n = 83)0.25–1 mg/kg CS
Pulmonary involvement
  Interstitial lung disease (n = 132)High-dose CS* (≥ 1 mg/kg), often pulse CS (1 g/day for 3 days), and CYC or MMF
  Pulmonary arterial hypertension (n = 50)High-dose CS* (≥ 1 mg/kg), often pulse CS (1 g/day for 3 days), CYC
In addition: prostanoids, endothelin receptor antagonists, phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor, and anticoagulants (LMWH)
Renal disease (n = 8)CS (0.25–1.0 mg/day), CYC
Myositis (n = 91)CS (0.5–1 mg/kg)
Consider CYC or IVIG, azathioprine
  • * Dosage ≥ 1 mg/kg/day methylprednisolone. MTX: methotrexate; CYC: cyclophosphamide; MMF: mycophenolate mofetil; IVIG: intravenous immune globulin; CS: corticosteroid; LMWH: low molecular weight heparin; TNF: tumor necrosis factor.