Table 3.

Demographic and disease manifestations of confirmed cases of JIA, Kaiser Permanente, Northern California, 1996–2009.

CharacteristicsProportion of Confirmed JIA Cases, n = 67 %
Age, yrs*
  African American3
  Psoriatic arthritis8
  Ankylosing spondylitis3
Laboratory findings (no. who received test)
  Antinuclear antibody (n = 65)70% positive
  Rheumatoid factor (n = 55)9% positive
  HLA-B27 (n = 16)2% positive
Joint involvement
  Cervical spine/neck3
  Not recorded7
Associated autoimmune disease
  Negtive/not mentioned82
Presence during course of the disease
  • * Age at the time of identification of an incident or prevalent case, thus does not correspond to the age of diagnosis for the entire population.

  • ** These conditions include type 1 diabetes, asthma, autoimmune hepatitis, and ulcerative colitis. JIA: juvenile idiopathic arthritis.