Table 1.

Murine models of secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) are compared with the prototypical model of primary HLH (prf−/− mice infected with LCMV).

PrimaryEBV HMSecondaryIL-6TG
LCMV in PRF1 −/−Salmonella entericaRepeated CpG Dinucleotide
Genetics of cytotoxic pathwayPerforin −/−NormalNormalNormalNormal
TriggerLCMVEBVS. entericaCpGLPS/Poly:IC
Background inflammationNoNoNoNoYes
LethalityYes 2 weeksYes 10 weeksNoNoYes one week
Ferritin increaseYes**Not reportedYesYesYes
LDH increaseYes***Not reportedNot reportedNot reportedYes
FibrinogenDecreasedNot reportedMild decreaseNormalNot reported
IL-6IncreasedNot reportedNot reportedIncreasedIncreased
IL-1ßNot detectedNot reportedNot reportedNot reportedIncreased
IFN-γIncreasedIncreasedNot reportedIncreasedIncreased*
Rescue upon T CD8+ depletionYesNot reportedNot reportedNoNot reported
Rescue upon IFN-γ blockadeYesNot reportedNot reportedYesNot reported
  • * Strippoli, et al, unpublished.

  • ** Pachlopnik Schmid, et al, 2009.

  • *** Jessen, et al, 2011. LCMV: lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus; PRF: perforin; EBV: Epstein-Barr virus; HM: humanized mouse; TG: transgenic; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; IFN: interferon; LPS: lipopolysaccharide.