Table 2

Final ratings following the third iteration of the patient survey.

Survey ItemsMedian (30th to 70th percentile) RatingDisagreement Index††
Items agreed by patients as being discriminatory
 Blood test shows an increase in uric acid in the blood9 (9 to 9)0
 During an attack of gout the pain is so bad you find it hard to walk9 (9 to 9)0
 During an attack of gout you cannot use the affected joint9 (8.6 to 9)0.05
 During an attack of gout the pain is so bad it interrupts your sleep9 (8.2 to 9)0.1
 During an attack of gout the joint is so sensitive you cannot even sleep with a sheet touching the affected area9 (7.2 to 9)0.26
 Medication such as indomethacin, allopurinol, or colchicine keeps the gout attacks at bay9 (6.6 to 9)0.37
 The pain is of a throbbing type9 (5.6 to 9)0.59
 Presence of crystals from joint fluid under a microscope9 (5.6 to 9)0.59
 An attack of gout often occurs after eating seafood/shellfish*8 (7 to 9)0.29
 Onset of an attack is sudden8 (6.6 to 9)0.37
 The big toe is affected8 (6 to 9)0.49
 The affected joint is hot8 (5.6 to 9)0.59
 The affected joint is red8 (5.6 to 9)0.59
 Tophi (lumps) are present in areas such as the elbows, fingers, and toes8 (5 to 9)0.75
 The pain is annoying8 (4.2 to 8.4)0.98
 A flare-up of an attack of gout responds rapidly to medication such as prednisone or naproxen7 (7 to 7.8)0.13
 The affected area is very sensitive to touch7 (6.2 to 9)0.45
 The affected joint is swollen7 (6 to 9)0.49
 An attack of gout often occurs after consuming alcohol*7 (6 to 8.6)0.45
 Severe, sharp pain in the affected joint7 (5.6 to 9)0.59
 The affected joint is enlarged7 (5.6 to 8)0.48
 If you injure an area that has been affected by gout, it takes longer to heal than one that has not been affected by gout*7 (5 to 9)0.75
 Only one foot is usually affected at a time7 (5 to 9)0.75
 The pain is still present even when the affected joint is not being moved/used7 (5 to 9)0.75
 There is a burning feeling in the affected area7 (4.6 to 8.4)0.83
Items agreed to be uncertain
 An attack of gout often occurs after eating red meat*6 (5.4 to 7.2)0.42
 An increase in blood pressure may be observed*5 (5 to 7.8)0.63
 Other members of your family have/have had gout*5 (5 to 6.6)0.45
 The duration of an attack of gout is relatively short (1–2 days)*5 (4.4 to 6.6)0.71
Items agreed to be not discriminatory
 The affected joints appear deformed/have changed shape*3 (2.4 to 5)0.6
 The elbows are affected*3 (1.8 to 5)0.67
 The ball of the foot is affected*3 (1.4 to 5.6)0.91
 The fingers are affected*3 (1.4 to 4.2)0.5
 An attack of gout often occurs after eating asparagus3 (1 to 5)0.75
 The knees are affected*3 (1 to 4.2)0.54
 The pain is always present in the hands — even in the absence of an attack of gout1 (1 to 5)0.75
Items for which there was disagreement
 The pain may produce depression*7 (4 to 9)1.09
 The joints in the top of the foot are affected*4 (2.4 to 6.2)1.12
 White lumps are observed on the fingers*5 (3.8 to 8)1.14
 The area around the affected joint is swollen*8 (3.8 to 9)1.17
 The pain is worse when you move the affected joint*5 (3.4 to 8.6)1.35
 When these lumps are lanced they release a white substance*1 (1 to 6.8)1.45
 Friction/rubbing makes the affected joint more painful*5 (1.8 to 6.8)1.47
 The attack resolves quickly*5 (2.4 to 7)1.64
 The affected joint is stiff*3 (1.8 to 7.6)2.07
 The ankles are affected*5 (2.4 to 7.6)2.21
  • * Item re-rated during the third iteration.

  • Values of 1–3.5 indicate the item was considered not discriminatory for gout, 4–6.5 as uncertain, and 7–9 as discriminatory for gout.

  • †† Disagreement index > 1 indicates disagreement18.