Total lung volume and lung densities. Chest computed tomography reformatting results are provided for 5 cases included in the series (digital image data were unavailable for Case 2) as well as for Subjects B and C, who were both seen over the study interval but who did not undergo esophageal manometry. Predicted total lung volumes are based on normalized values for total lung capacity obtained through helium dilution or plethysmography. Repeat imaging with reformatting was available for Case 1 during remission and for Case 5 during symptom improvement but not full recovery. Lung density was measured in Hounsfield units (HU) from the reformatted images; this scale is used to describe radiodensity, with lower values representing less dense images.

Total Lung Volume, mlPredicted Total Lung Volume, mlL Lung Density, HUR Lung Density, HU
Normal−900 to −830−900 to −830
Case 112234400−363 ± 223−475 ± 193
Case 122624700−713 ± 207−746 ± 192
Case 319214960−670 ± 171−668 ± 180
Case 413354070−553 ± 261−507 ± 314
Case 530945970−694 ± 182−691 ± 183
Case 540205970−681 ± 204−674 ± 184
Case 619854700−654 ± 192−656 ± 196
Subject B18875110−608 ± 205−620 ± 190
Subject C20684070−708 ± 181−710 ± 181