Results from the cross-sectional zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) regression analysis of the Larsen score on the carriage of at least 1 copy of the shared epitope single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP).

Gene, SNPCohortYearModelNo. PatientsEstimateLo95Up95pComb p
HLA-DRB1 Shared epitopeERAS3ZINB severity3270.360.020.833.85 E-026.38 E-05
ZINB susceptibility4.432.029.701.99 E-04
NBREG2070.460.041.053.02 E-02
LOGIT3942.511.554.051.73 E-04
NOAR5ZINB severity5890.840.461.311.99 E-071.26 E-07
ZINB susceptibility1.350.802.282.55 E-01
NBREG2600.290.060.561.00 E-02
LOGIT5932.501.763.542.55 E-07
  • Est: estimate, expressed as percentage increase in Larsen score for the severity part of the model, or as OR for the susceptibility part of the model; Lo95: lower 95% CI; Up95: upper 95% CI; comb p: ZINB combined p value; NOAR: Norfolk Arthritis Register; ERAS: Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Study; NBREG: negative binomial regression; LOGIT: logistic regression.