Table 3.

ACR 1999 NPSLE diagnoses in primary NPSLE patients. Patients can have multiple diagnosis. ACR 1999 diagnoses not found in our patients include aseptic meningitis, demyelinating syndrome, acute confusional state, acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy, autonomic disorder, myasthenia gravis, cranial neuropathy, and plexopathy. Data are number (%).

DiagnosisUndefined NPSLE, n = 5Inflammatory NPSLE, n = 21Ischemic NPSLE, n = 12
Cognitive dysfunction2 (40)14 (67)6 (50)
Cerebrovascular disease3 (14)11 (92)
  Infarction3 (100)10 (91)
  Infarction and hemorrhage1 (9)
Headache9 (43)6 (50)
  Intractable4 (44)3 (50)
  Migraine with aura4 (44)1 (17)
  Migraine without aura2 (33)
  Tension1 (11)
Mood disorders3 (60)7 (33)3 (25)
  Major depressive episode2 (67)3 (43)1 (33)
  Depressive features1 (33)2 (29)2 (67)
  Mixed (depression and manic)2 (29)
Seizure disorders4 (19)2 (17)
  Generalized4 (100)2 (100)
Psychosis4 (19)
Anxiety disorder1 (5)
Myelopathy1 (5)
Movement disorder (chorea)1 (5)
Mononeuropathy1 (5)
  Multiplex1 (100)
Polyneuropathy1 (8)
  • ACR: American College of Rheumatology; NPSLE: neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus.