Table 3.

Linear regression model (in terms of relative change) to identify correlates of renal function (eCcr)-complete case analysis (n = 401). All data are percentages.

Estimated Median Change in eCcr, Adjusting for Other Variables (95% CI)p
Visit number (year)−0.64 (−2.00, 0.73)0.36
Per 10% decrease in baseline eCcr−6.86 (−7.41, −6.31)< 0.0001
Black compared to white−12.85 (−32.44, 12.41)0.38
Diffuse compared to limited disease4.00 (−1.36, 9.65)0.15
History of SRC (yes vs no)−17.4 (−26.60, −7.03)0.001
  • eCcr: estimated creatinine clearance rate; SRC: scleroderma renal crisis.