Table 2.

Clinical and laboratory manifestations in patients with PHAPS and in controls. Except for p values, data are n (%).

PHAPS, n = 13Controls, n = 50p
Sex, women8 (61)40 (80)0.14
Mitral valve disease9 (75)11 (22)0.001
CNS disease8 (61)8 (16)0.001
Pregnancy morbidity*7 (87.5)13 (32.5)0.005
Skin involvement7 (54)4 (8)0.001
Pulmonary hypertension9 (75)5 (22)0.004
Low C31 (8)6 (18)0.65
Low C47 (54)13 (44)0.03
Lupus anticoagulant10 (91)38 (97)0.39
High β2-GPI IgG10 (83)8 (30)< 0.001
High-titer aCL IgG12 (92)21 (43)0.002
  • * Percentage among women. PHAPS: pulmonary hemorrhage and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome; CNS: central nervous system; GPI: glycoprotein I; aCL: anticardiolipin; IgG: immunoglobulin.