Table 5.

LupusQoL scores in patients scoring at extremes of the SF-6D domains with significant floor or ceiling effects (5-year assessment). LupusQoL scores are rounded to the nearest whole number.

Floor EffectCeiling Effect
Vitality, n = 36Role Limitation, n = 42Role Limitation, n = 32Mental Health, n = 22
Median (IQR)Min, MaxMedian (IQR)Min, MaxMedian (IQR)Min, MaxMedian (IQR)Min, Max
LupusQoL domain
  Physical health36 (17, 63)0, 8444 (25, 59)7, 8483 (78, 94)50, 10069 (38, 86)16, 100
  Pain42 (25, 67)0, 8350 (25, 67)0, 8392 (83, 100)33, 10075 (50, 100)25, 100
  Planning46 (21, 67)0, 10058 (33, 75)0, 100100 (83, 100)17, 10083 (50, 100)8, 100
  Intimate relationships19 (0, 63)0, 10013 (0, 50)0, 10075 (50, 100)0, 10075 (50, 88)0, 100
  Burden to others50 (25, 75)0, 10050 (17, 75)0, 10083 (75, 92)50, 10075 (58, 83)8, 100
  Emotional health65 (48, 79)0, 9267 (50, 75)0, 9292 (83, 100)63, 10092 (88, 100)71, 100
  Body image40 (20, 55)0, 8545 (30, 60)0, 9558 (35, 92)15, 10060 (40, 80)20, 100
  Fatigue28 (16, 41)0, 6338 (19, 50)0, 8178 (69, 84)19, 10072 (44, 81)13, 100
  • IQR: interquartile range.