Table 3.

CSRG patient medications (ever used unless otherwise stated).

Therapeutic Agent or InvestigationBefore June 2009, All SSc Patients, n = 992, Frequency (%)After June 2009, All SSc Patients, n = 261, Frequency (%)Comparing All Before and After June 2009, p
Raynaud’s phenomenon952246
  Calcium channel blockers578 (60.9)139 (56.5)0.2091
  Iloprost16 (1.7)0 (0.0)0.0820
  PDE5 inhibitors17 (1.8)13 (5.3)0.0018
Skin involvement in early diffuse SSc
  Methotrexate use for diffuse SSc only, < 2 yrs’ duration21 (28.4)4 (25.0)> 0.05
  Methotrexate use for diffuse SSc only, < 5 yrs’ duration48 (35.3)6 (22.2)> 0.05
Skin involvement (mRSS > 10)34762
  Corticosteroids149 (43.1)20 (32.3)0.1117
  D-penicillamine74 (21.4)11 (17.7)0.5151
  Methotrexate105 (30.4)17 (27.4)0.6429
  Cyclophosphamide37 (10.7)6 (9.7)0.8103
Skin involvement (mRSS > 20)14125
  Corticosteroids63 (45.0)5 (20.0)0.0193
  D-penicillamine32 (22.9)2 (8.0)0.0907
  Methotrexate53 (37.9)3 (12.0)0.0119
  Cyclophosphamide16 (11.4)4 (16.0)0.7547
Digital ulcers524108
  Calcium channel blocker369 (70.7)77 (71.3)0.8996
  Iloprost15 (2.9)0 (0.0)0.1509
  Bosentan28 (5.4)2 (1.9)0.1187
Digital ulcers (active; current use)8613
  Calcium channel blocker67 (77.9)11 (84.6)0.8513
  Ilopost4 (4.7)0 (0.0)1.0000
  Bosentan7 (8.1)0 (0.0)0.5894
Digital ulcers (healed)31860
  Calcium channel blocker232 (73.2)44 (73.3)0.9812
  Bosentan18 (5.7)2 (3.3)0.6679
  Gastroprotective agents705 (86.2)174 (82.1)0.1316
  Promotility agents191 (23.4)49 (23.1)0.9422
Delayed gastric emptying468116
  Promotility agents194 (41.9)49 (42.2)0.9470
  Promotility agents49 (25.3)20 (31.3)0.3477
  Dilatation29 (15.1)9 (14.5)0.9101
Inflammatory arthritis9232
  Methotrexate33 (36.3)10 (31.3)0.6089
  Hydroxychloroquine36 (39.6)9 (28.1)0.2480
  D-penicillamine17 (18.7)4 (12.5)0.4241
  NSAID53 (58.2)14 (43.8)0.1568
  Corticosteroids45 (49.5)15 (46.9)0.8020
Inflammatory myositis/myopathy9924
  Methotrexate39 (39.4)13 (54.2)0.1887
  Azathioprine15 (15.2)6 (25.0)0.3964
  Cyclophosphamide11 (11.1)2 (8.3)0.9784
Renal crisis ever464
  Hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis16 (34.8)2 (50.0)0.6123
  Kidney transplant5 (11.1)1 (25.0)0.4175
  ACE inhibitor39 (86.7)2 (50.0)0.1195
  ACE inhibitor (current use)29 (64.4)2 (50.0)0.6181
PH by CSRG criteria9819
  Flolan8 (8.3)1 (5.3)1.0000
  Trepostinil3 (3.1)1 (5.3)0.5161
  Iloprost0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
  Bosentan12 (12.4)0 (0.0)0.2273
  Sitaxsentan*2 (2.1)2 (10.5)0.1249
  PDE5 inhibitors2 (2.1)2 (10.5)0.1249
  Warfarin22 (22.7)2 (10.5)0.3755
  Combination PAH treatment13 (13.4)1 (5.3)0.5413
PH and NYHA ≥ Class III8616
  Flolan7 (8.1)0 (0.0)0.5927
  Trepostinil4 (4.7)1 (6.3)0.5819
  Iloprost1 (1.2)0 (0.0)1.0000
  Bosentan15 (17.4)1 (6.3)0.4497
  Sitaxsentan*2 (2.3)2 (12.5)0.1150
  PDE5 inhibitors2 (2.3)2 (12.5)0.1150
  Warfarin22 (25.6)2 (12.5)0.4169
  Combination PAH treatment15 (17.4)2 (12.5)0.9031
DLCO < 70% and TLC < 70% and FVC < 70% and short of breath10634
  Corticosteroids58 (55.2)13 (38.2)0.0848
  Azathioprine6 (5.7)7 (20.6)0.0244
  Cyclophosphamide20 (19.1)3 (8.8)0.1632
  Mycophenolate mofetil2 (1.9)2 (5.9)0.2510
ILD by CSRG criteria**34768
  Corticosteroids149 (43.4)21 (30.9)0.0547
  Azathioprine37 (10.8)8 (11.8)0.8136
  Cyclophosphamide56 (16.3)7 (10.3)0.2072
  Mycophenolate mofetil10 (2.9)3 (4.4)0.7911
  • * Sitaxsentan has been removed from the market.

  • CSRG definition of suspected pulmonary hypertension is pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) measured using the Doppler flow measurement of the tricuspid regurgitation jet on echocardiography and an estimated systolic PAP > 45 mm Hg. For the subset analysis, only NYHA ≥ III were included.

  • ** CSRG definition of ILD is a positive HRCT lung with ILD or abnormal chest radiograph with interstitial markings (not thought to be due to congestive heart failure) or fibrosis, and/or findings of ILD on physical examination. CSRG: Canadian Scleroderma Research Group; SSc: systemic sclerosis; mRSS: modified Rodnan skin score; PDE5: phosphodiesterase type 5; GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease; NSAID: non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs; ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme; PH: pulmonary hypertension; NYHA: New York Heart Association; ILD: interstitial lung disease; HRCT: high-resolution computed tomography; TLC: total lung capacity; FVC: forced vital capacity.