Table 1.

Demographics of all patients who received a corticosteroid joint injection with either triamcinolone hexacetonide (TH) or triamcinolone acetonide (TA). Both groups include the 58 patients who received both TH and TA joint injections.

Patients male/female124 (26/98)119 (23/96)
No. joints injected422372
Systemic disease105
Mean age at joint injection, yrs9.7 ± 4.88.8 ± 4.5
Mean duration of arthritis, yrs3.1 ± 3.43.3 ± 3.3
No. joints injected
No. patients with 2 or more joints injected6668
No. patients reinjected866
No. joints that relapsed249269
Mean time to relapse, mo (p < 0.01)9.09 ± 3.516.82 ± 3.44
Median time to relapse, mo (p < 0.0001)Unestimable7