Table 3.

Association of ACR50 response with mean changes from baseline to Week 104 in patient-reported outcome scores.

ACR50 Improvement Status, adjusted mean (SE) for change scores
MeasureNonresponder, n = 169ACR50 Responder, n = 369Overall p
HAQ-DI–0.6 (0.04)–1.2 (0.03)< 0.0001
SF-36 PCS7.2 (0.65)17.4 (0.45)< 0.0001
SF-36 MCS4.7 (0.81)8.8 (0.56)< 0.0001
SF-6D0.10 (0.01)0.22 (0.01)< 0.0001
FACIT-F8.1 (0.69)15.9 (0.47)< 0.0001
HUI-30.22 (0.02)0.41 (0.01)< 0.0001
  • p for overall test of differences between ACR50 responder groups from an analysis of covariance model that included ACR50 responder group, baseline score, age, and, sex. ACR50: American College of Rheumatology rating scale (50% or more improvement); FACIT-F: Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue; HAQ-DI: Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index; HUI-3: Health Utility Index Mark 3: MCS: mental component summary; PCS: physical component summary; SF-6D: Short-Form 6 Dimension; SF-36: Short-Form 36 Health Survey.