Table 3.

Severe forms of mixed cryoglobulinemia. Severe form indicates at least one significant extracutaneous organ involvement.

PatientMain Clinical Features at BaselineEtiology
1Purpura+++, nephritis, RI, neuropathy, GI bleedingEssential
2Purpura+++, skin ulcers, neuropathyEssential
3Purpura+++, neuropathy, GI bleedingEssential
4Purpura++, neuropathy, nephritisEssential
5Purpura+++, arthralgias, neuropathy, nephritis, RIEssential
6Purpura++, arthralgias, neuropathy, nephritis, RI, GI bleedingEssential
7Purpura++, nephritisEssential
8Purpura+++, RI, skin ulcers, nephritis, arthralgias, neuropathyEssential
9Purpura++, skin ulcers, nephritis, GI bleeding, seizures*Essential
10Purpura+++, arthralgias, neuropathyEssential
11Nephritis, RI, CNS*Sjögren syndrome
12Purpura++, nephritis, RI, arthralgiasSjögren syndrome
13Purpura++, skin ulcers, neuropathyRheumatoid arthritis
14Purpura++, nephritis, RI, arthritisParvovirus B19
15Purpura+, skin ulcers, arthritis, neuropathyB cell lymphoma
16Purpura++, neuropathy, arthralgiasT cell lymphoma
  • * MRI suggesting cerebral vasculitis. Purpura: + = limited and fluctuating involvement of lower limbs; ++ = persistent and diffuse involvement of lower limbs; +++ = diffuse involvement of lower limbs plus trunk and/or upper limbs. GI: gastrointestinal; RI: renal insufficiency; CNS: central nervous system.