Table 3.

Associations of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) with categorical variables. All data are percentages. Percentages of patients within each class of ANA who have certain characteristics are given with the probability value from Fisher’s exact test that these are the same percentages in the patients without each particular ANA. Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are in bold type.

CriteriaACANot ACApAnti-topo INot Anti-topo IpAnti-RNPNot Anti-RNPpAnti-Th/ToNot Anti-Th/Top
Telangiectasia6342< 0.0156530.8757< 0.0164520.4
Esophageal involvement52410.1450460.813490.0143461.0
Pulmonary fibrosis7170.04389< 0.017121.021110.2
FVC/DLCO > 1.461450.0556530.842540.654531.0
Pulmonary artery pressure > 30 mm Hg960.6080.6080.6871.0
  • ACA: anticentromere antibodies; FVC: forced vital capacity; DLCO: diffusing lung capacity for carbon monoxide.