Table 2.

Studies identifying cardiovascular disease and risk factors in patients with psoriatic arthritis.

Wong15Prospective study of 428 patients registered on PsA databaseMyocardial infarction was leading cause of death and PsA patients had higher cardiovascular mortality (1.33) compared to controls.
Gladman16Prospective study of 428 outpatientsIncreased mortality in patients overall and increased rates of circulatory disease
Gladman17Prospective follow up of 648 patients from PsA databaseIncreased risk of myocardial infarction and hypertension
Han18Retrospective database study of 3066 patientsIncreased risk of cardiovascular disease
Kimhi19Prospective cohort study of 42 patientsIncreased rates of hypertension and hyperlipidemia as well as evidence of increased arterial intimal thickness