Table 2.

Imaging characteristics (n = 30).

Erosions on radiograph, % (ratio)47 (14/30)
Median no. of erosions on radiograph (IQR)3.5 (4)
Erosions on ultrasound, % (ratio)55.1 (16/29)
Median no. of erosions on ultrasound (IQR)1 (1)
Median synovial thickening score by ultrasound (IQR)6 (8)
Median vascularity score by ultrasound (IQR)1 (3)
Erosions on MRI, % (ratio)66.7 (20/30)
Abnormal capsular vessels on MRA, % (ratio)66.7 (20/30)
Median RAMRIS MCP synovitis score (IQR)3 (5)
Median RAMRIS MCP bone edema score (IQR)0 (0)
Median RAMRIS MCP bone erosions score (IQR)0 (1)
Median RAMRIS wrist synovitis score (IQR)3 (6)
Median RAMRIS wrist bone edema score (IQR)0 (1)
Median RAMRIS wrist bone erosions score (IQR)1 (3)
Median no. of abnormal capsular vessels on MRA (IQR)4 (9)
  • IQR: interquartile range; MRA: magnetic resonance angiography; MCP: metacarpophalangeal joint; RAMRIS: OMERACT rheumatoid arthritis MRI scoring system.