Table 3.

Hierarchical multivariate analysis of demographic, medical, and psychological variables in relation to BASDAI. All ß-weights, confidence intervals, and p values for individual variables are estimates in the context of the full model (i.e., with all 3 conceptual blocks entered into the equation). R-square is overall-r-square (%) after the addition of each conceptual block and accompanying p value for the test of the overall R-square. R-square value in last column is the incremental R-square change due to the addition of the conceptual block and accompanying p value for the test of the incremental R-Square change.

StepPredictorsß Weights95% CIpR2 (%) (p+)ΔR2 (%) (p+)
1Demographics13.8 (< 0.001)
Age0.15−0.06 to 0.360.157
Employment−0.13−0.26 to 0.010.061
Sex−0.08−0.20 to 0.040.186
Marital0.06−0.06 to 0.190.330
Education−0.03−0.16 to 0.090.597
Smoking0.02−0.10 to 0.140.748
Student−0.03−0.18 to 0.120.737
Ethnicity−0.13−0.25 to −0.010.034
2Medical variables18.1 (< 0.001)4.3 (0.814)
NSAID therapy0.11−0.01 to 0.230.076
BASRI0.01−0.13 to 0.140.901
Biologic therapy−0.02−0.14 to 0.090.726
No. medical comorbidities−0.08−0.21 to 0.050.203
CRP−0.07−0.19 to 0.050.236
Disease duration−0.02−0.21 to 0.170.811
3Psychological variables51.4 (< 0.001)33.3 (< 0.001)
Arthritis internality−0.19−0.32 to −0.060.005
Arthritis helplessness0.160.02 to 0.310.029
BRCS0.08−0.04 to 0.190.203
Depression (PHQ-9)0.340.19 to 0.49< 0.0001
Active coping0.11−0.01 to 0.240.072
Passive coping0.160.02 to 0.290.027
  • BASDAI: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; PHQ: Patient Health Questionnaire; BASRI: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Radiographic Index; CRP: C-reactive protein; BRCS: Brief Resilient Coping Scale; PHQ: Patient Health Questionnaire.