Table 1.

The influence of 1,25 (OH)2D3 in the regulation of mediators produced by immune cells.

Action of 1,25 (OH)2D3 on Immune MediatorsProducing Cells1,25 (OH)2D3 EffectsReferences
↓ IL-1Dendritic cells, macrophages↓ Flogosis37
↓ IL-2T helper 1 cells↓ T cells23
↓ Antigen presentation
↑ IL-4T helper 2 cells↑ T helper 2 cell22, 25
↑ IL-5T helper 2 cells↑ B cell, ↑ eosinophil22, 25
↓ IL-6T cells, macrophages↓ T helper 1726
↑ IL-10Dendritic cells↑ T reg activation26, 37
↓ IL-12Dendritic cells, macrophages↓ T helper 126
↓ IL-17T helper 17 cells↓ Immunological response27
↓ IL-23Macrophages↓ T helper 1726
↓ ImmunoglobulinsB cells↓ Immunological response28
↓ TNF-αMacrophages↓ Flogosis37
↓ IFN-γT helper 1 cells↓ T cells24, 25
↓ Antigen presentation
↓ CD40Antigen-presenting cells↓ T cell activation38
↓ CD80Antigen-presenting cells↓ T cells activation38
↓ CD86Antigen-presenting cells↓ T cell activation38
↑ FoxP3Dendritic cells↓ T reg activation26
  • T reg: CD4+/CD25+ regulatory T cells; TNF: tumor necrosis factor; IFN: interferon.