Table 1.

Comparison between patients with detectable and undetectable levels of interleukin 33 in sera, by ELISA. Values are median unless otherwise stated.

IL-33+, n = 30IL-33−, n = 29p
Age, yrs56.5 (30–74)59 (23–92)0.306
Sex, % female80.082.80.785
Disease duration, yrs6.5 (1–65)6 (0–27)0.494
Stage, no. of patients0.173
Class, no. of patients0.196
Tender joint count, 0–46 joints7 (0–36)3 (0–19)0.013
Swollen joint count, 0–48 joints9.5 (0–34)3 (0–9)0.001
CRP, mg/dl1.08 (0.00–15.6)0.82 (0.00–27.4)0.264
DAS28-CRP4.2 (1.5–7.3)3.3 (1.0–6.6)0.017
MMP-3, ng/ml173 (13–663)119 (10–792)0.682
IL-5, pg/ml6.2 (0.0–142.7)0.1 (0.0–56.1)0.005
IL-6, pg/ml25.2 (0.0–836.6)1.3 (0.0–687.5)0.123
IL-13, pg/ml0.0 (0.0–109.1)0.0 (0.0–6.3)0.605
TNF-α, pg/ml4.4 (0.0–332.8)7.2 (0.0–726.2)0.520
IL-1ß, pg/ml4.9 (0.0–156.2)3.0 (0.0–32.0)0.180
Eosinophil, %*0.6 (0.0–8.0)0.8 (0.0–4.7)0.478
Eosinophil, /μl*23 (0–483)47 (0–371)0.713
  No. patients24200.330
  Mg/day5 (1.5–10)5 (2–10)0.135
  No. patients23200.506
  Mg/week8 (2–10)6 (4–8)0.249
  No. patients
  Other DMARD,TAC 5, SASP 3,TAC 1, CyA 1,
  No. of patientsBUC 3, GST 1BUC 1, ACT 1
  • * Eosinophil (%) and eosinophil (/μl) were analyzed in the 28 and 24 patients in the IL-33+ and IL-33– groups whose samples were available, respectively. IL: interleukin; IL-33+: patients with detectable levels of IL-33; IL-33–: patients with undetectable levels of IL-33; CRP: C reactive protein; DAS28-CRP: Disease Activity Score 28 based on C-reactive protein; MMP-3: matrix metalloproteinase 3; TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor-α; PSL: prednisolone; MTX: methotrexate; TAC: tacrolimus; SASP: salazosulfapyridine; CyA: cyclosporin A; BUC: bucillamine; GST: gold sodium thiomalate; ACT: actarit; eosinophil (%): percentage of eosinophils in total white blood cells; eosinophil (/μl): cell numbers of eosinophils in peripheral blood.