Table 3.

Pre- and post-test results of an educational intervention on attitudes towards COBRA therapy of arthritis nurses. 7-point Likert-scale: −3 most negative, 3 most positive.

QuestionAttitude (range −3 to +3)
Pre-test (n = 48)††Post-test (n = 62)
1. Ineffective/effective1.1 (0.8)*1.8 (0.7)*
2. Unsafe/safe0.6 (0.9)*1.1 (0.9)*
3. Complex/simple−0.4 (1.1)*−0.7 (1.1)*
4. Patient-unfriendly/patient-friendly0.3 (1.1)0.5 (1.1)*
5. Unsympathetic/sympathetic0.3 (0.9)*0.7 (0.9)*
6. Unnecessary/necessary0.9 (0.9)*1.2 (1.0)*
7. Bad/good0.6 (1.1)*0.8 (1.4)*
8. Capability−0.3 (1.8)*1.4 (1.1)*
  • * Significantly different from the neutral point of 0 with p < 0.05.

  • Significantly different from the pre-test value with p < 0.05.

  • †† During pre-test, 48 arthritis nurses knew enough about COBRA therapy to answer questions 1 to 7; 56 arthritis nurses answered question 8.