Table 3.

Regression analyses for risk of RA due to shared epitope and DRB1*0901 according to age at onset.

Population TestedExplanatory VariablesOR (95% CI)p
Probands with onset at < 16 yrs (n = 37) vs controls (n = 176)*0901Eliminated
Any SEEliminated
SE/090111.16 (2.65, 47.00)0.001
Constant0.179< 0.0001
Probands with onset at ≥ 16 yrs (n = 160) vs controls (n = 176)*09012.50 (1.06, 5.89)0.037
Any SE4.02 (2.22, 7.27)< 0.0001
Constant0.276< 0.0001
  • The Cox and Snell R square values for the regressions were 0.052 for onset age < 16 years, and 0.074 for onset ≥ 16 years, respectively. RA probands and controls were entered in the regression.