Table 2.

Work status of SLE patients and controls in the Carolina Lupus Study, 2001 followup. Values are number (%).

Patients, n = 198Controls, n = 299p
Working 10+ h week at baseline*141 (71)226 (76)0.28
Work status at followup (yr preceding interview)
  Not working98 (50)72 (24)<0.0001
  Working100 (50)227 (76)
  Same job49 (25)98 (33)
  Different job41 (21)101 (34)
  Newly employed10 (5)27 (9)0.01
Stopped working51 (26)26 (9)
Reason(s) stopped working
  Did not like job, supervisor0 (0)2 (9)
  No longer needed to work1 (2)6 (27)
  Job ended, laid off4 (8)6 (27)
  Retired (other than health)2 (4)3 (14)
  Health47 (92)9 (40)< 0.0001
Hours per week, 24 or less**12 (12)20 (11)0.74
Months per year, < 9**12 (12)19 (10)0.63
Days lost last year because of health, 15 or more21 (21)24 (11)0.01
Unable to work more than 2 months since diagnosis#25 (28)14 (9)< 0.001
  • * During the year before diagnosis or corresponding reference year, patients and controls, respectively.

  • “Newly employed”, i.e., worked in year preceding followup interview who were not working in year before diagnosis/reference year (n = 57 patients, 73 controls). One control is missing data (“don’t know”) for the work status variable.

  • Worked before diagnosis/reference year (patients and controls, respectively), but did not work in year preceding followup interview; 4 controls were missing data for these variables.

  • ** Among participants who worked in year preceding interview (n = 100 patients, 187 controls; 40 other controls are in this group but are missing data for this question because they completed a version of the interview that did not have these questions).

  • Among participants who worked in year preceding interview (n = 100 patients, 224 controls; 3 other controls missing data for this question).

  • # Among participants who worked at baseline and in year preceding interview (n = 90 patients, 163 controls; 37 other controls are in this group but are missing data for this question because they completed a version of the interview that did not have this question).