Table 2.

Contextual (environmental or personal) factors of worker productivity loss or work disability that have supporting evidence in arthritis, have been discussed conceptually in the literature, or were identified at the OMERACT 10 Work Productivity Special Interest Group. Factors are mapped onto the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) coding system to access degree of compatibility in terms of classification. For the purpose of brevity, titles of the ICF categories were abbreviated (refer to the ICF handbook for full titles27).

Category (no. factors)FactorEvidence in ArthritisDiscussed Conceptually in Literature or at OMERACT 10*Fit with ICF?††ICF Code(s)
Environmental factors
  Accessibility (2)Barriers to mobility (difficulty commuting)47,48,58,5931,44*CMProducts and technology (e120... for mobility and transportation, e150... of building for public use, e155... of buildings for private use)
Design of work environment44CMProducts and technology (e135... for employment)
  Economic climate/labor regulations (2)Employment and career opportunities5231,44COServices, systems and policies (e590 Labor and employment, e5902 Labor and employment policies)
Labor and social regulations57COServices, systems and policies (e590 Labor and employment, e5902 Labor and employment policies)
  Nature of work (9)Demands (physical)47,49,52,60,61,62,63,64,65, 66,67,68,69,706,31CUND
Demands (work hours)46,58,7128*CUND
Demands (workload)31*CUND
Job autonomy59,61,62,726*CUND
Job sector/type47,736,44CUND
Pacing of work47CUND
Self-employed47,48,58,59*COMajor life areas (d850 Remunerative employment)
Work status (full vs part time)*CUND
  Organizational policies & practices(4)Availability of replacement workers6CMServices, systems and policies (e590 Labor and employment)
Compensation of lost productivity for work absences6*CUND
External time demands (to complete work)6CUND
Team dynamic6CMSupport and relationships (e325... peers, colleagues...)
  Physical environment (3)Sound28CONatural environment (e250 Sound)
Temperature28,57CONatural environment (e225 Climate, e260 Air quality)
Weather*CONatural environment (e225 climate)
  Work accommodations (4)Adaptive devices and equipment28,44,57COProducts and technology (e1351... for employment)
Flexibility (work schedule)*CUND
Job accommodations (reduced hours, modified duties)48,72*CUND
Workstation modification48,52COProducts and technology (e1351... for employment)
Workplace support (4)Co-worker attitude31*COAttitudes (e425...of peers, colleagues...)
Employer attitude31*COAttitudes (e430...of people in positions of authority)
Social (co-workers, employer)46,47,48,53,58,5928*COSupport and relationships (e325...peers, colleagues...)
Task support (co-workers)6*COSupport and relationships (e325... peers, colleagues...)
  Non-workplace support (5)Family/support at home7531*COSupport and relationships (e310 Immediate family, e315 Extended family)
Social (friends)31COSupport and relationships (e320 Friends)
Tasks assistance at home (family)28COSupport and relationships (e340 Friends)
Tasks assistance at home (hired help)28COSupport and relationships (e340...Personal care providers)
Tasks assistance at home (non-family)28COSupport and relationships (e340...Personal care providers)
Personal factors
  Demographic attributes (3)Age47,49,58,67,68,71,72,73,74,75,76,7731CUPF
  Economic need (4)Financial incentive (personal economy)28,31COProducts and technology (e165 Assets)
Financial incentive (benefits)*CMProducts and technology (e165 Assets, e570 Social security...)
Financial incentive (pensions)*COProducts and technology (e570 Social security...)
Financial incentive (salary)7131COProducts and technology (e165 Assets)
  Health (5)Availability of medications79*COProducts and technology (e1101 Drugs)
Depression72,81COSpecific mental functions (b152 Emotional functions)
Energy/fatigue53*COGlobal mental functions (b1300 Energy level); Functions of cardiovascular and respiratory systems (b4552 Fatigability)
Physical functioning47,52,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,68, 79,82,83,84,8531CMND
Self-perception (of health)31CUPF
  Personal appraisal (16)Activity choices31CUPF
Career attainment31CUPF
Commitment to work31CUPF
Cultural beliefs/expectations31CUPF
Importance of work48CUPF
Job satisfaction4831*CUPF
Motivation586*COGlobal mental functions (b1301 Motivation)
Personal incentives to work*CUPF
Personality and identity31CUPF
Prestige31CMAttitudes (e460 Societal attitudes)
Work choices31CUPF
  Related skills/abilities (4)Coping skills52,8631*CUPF
Sensory skills31COSensory functions and pain (b2)
Work experience and training5231CUND
  Work-life balance (4)Demands at home31CMDomestic life (Acquisition of necessities, Household tasks, Caring for household objects...) Note: multiple codes available
Demands of non-work activities*CMCommunity, social and civic life (d910 Community life, d920 Recreation and leisure, d930 Religion and spirituality
Role (competing)4631CMND
Work/leisure balance31*CUND
  Other (1)Disclosure48,52,53,87CUND
  • # Health factors are considered as personal factors in the conceptual model by Sandqvist and Henriksson31, but not necessarily in the ICF27.

  • Some factors associated with organization policies and practices may affect worker productivity primarily at the “workplace” level, rather than at the “individual” level.

  • †† Fit with ICF: consistent (CO), complex (CM), or code unavailable (CU). ND: not defined in the ICF (factor is either too specific or too broad); PF: personal factor (ICF classification codes unavailable).