Article Figures & Data
Normal Renal Function at Baseline Abnormal Renal Function at Baseline Scleroderma Renal Crisis Complete case analysis (only patients without missing visits; n = 401) n (%) 295 (73.57) 83 (20.70) 23 (5.74) Mean age (SD), yrs 53.37 (10.64) 64.77 (8.63) 55.22 (9.69) Female, n (%) 258 (87.46) 79 (95.18) 20 (86.96) Black, n (%) 4 (1.36) 0 (0) 0 (0) Limited disease, n (%) 181 (61.36) 58 (69.88) 9 (39.13) Mean weight, kg (SD) 71.32 (16.14) 58.02 (10.76) 70.93 (20.00) Mean weight change, kg/year (SD) 0.41 (3.67) −0.25 (2.78) −0.56 (3.15) Mean creatinine, μmol/l (SD) 72.38 (15.91) 103.01 (50.24) 177.74 (114.50) Mean creatinine clearance, ml/min 93.34 (29.57) 47.54 (9.72) 46.15 (28.15) Disease duration, yrs (SD) 9.76 (7.68) 14.35 (10.96) 8.40 (6.19) Whole cohort (all available cases: n = 561) n (%) 420 (74.87) 112 (19.89) 29 (5.15) Mean age (SD), yrs 52.84 (11.31) 65.70 (9.49) 54.72 (9.24) Female, n (%) 364 (86.67) 107 (95.54) 22 (75.86) Black, n (%) 5 (1.19) 1 (0.89) 0 (0) Limited disease, n (%) 245 (58.33) 73 (65.18) 10 (34.48) Mean weight, kg (SD) 71.50 (16.21) 57.88 (11.13) 69.35 (18.48) Mean weight change, kg/year (SD) 0.58 (4.26) −0.10 (2.85) −0.67 (3.06) Mean creatinine, μmol/l (SD) 72.04 (15.38) 110.10 (95.39) 179.7 (113.50) Mean creatinine clearance, ml/min 94.78 (28.77) 46.46 (10.80) 45.75 (26.57) Disease duration, yrs (SD) 10.31 (8.22) 13.96 (10.67) 8.00 (6.34) - Table 2.
Non-disease-related differences between patients with normal and abnormal renal function at baseline.
Patients with Normal Renal Function at Baseline Patients with Abnormal Renal Function at Baseline p Diabetes mellitus, % 3.39 6.02 0.44 Hypertension, % 22.71 43.37 0.00 Congestive heart failure, % 2.37 9.64 0.01 Overlap with systemic lupus erythematosus, % 1.36 2.41 1.00 Nephrotoxic medications ACE inhibitors, % 12.20 22.89 0.01 Angiotension receptor blockers, % 8.14 13.25 0.05 Nonsteroidal antiinflammtory drugs, % 19.32 20.48 0.23 D-penicillamine, % 1.02 6.02 0.58 Cyclosporine, % 0.00 0.00 1.00 Corticosteroids, % 15.93 14.46 0.33 Drugs for heart failure, % 2.03 10.84 0.01 Anti-arrythmics, % 1.69 7.23 0.04 Prostacyclins, % Flolan, % 0.68 0.00 — Trepostinil (UT-15), % 0.68 0.00 — Iloprost, % 0.68 0.00 — -
ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme.
- Table 3.
Linear regression model (in terms of relative change) to identify correlates of renal function (eCcr)-complete case analysis (n = 401). All data are percentages.
Estimated Median Change in eCcr, Adjusting for Other Variables (95% CI) p Visit number (year) −0.64 (−2.00, 0.73) 0.36 Per 10% decrease in baseline eCcr −6.86 (−7.41, −6.31) < 0.0001 Black compared to white −12.85 (−32.44, 12.41) 0.38 Diffuse compared to limited disease 4.00 (−1.36, 9.65) 0.15 History of SRC (yes vs no) −17.4 (−26.60, −7.03) 0.001 -
eCcr: estimated creatinine clearance rate; SRC: scleroderma renal crisis.
- Table 4.
Linear regression model (percentage change) to identify correlates of renal function (eCcr)-available case analysis (n = 561). All data are percentages.
Estimated Median Change in eCcr, Adjusting for Other Variables (95% CI) p Visit number (year) −0.89 (−2.02, 0.26) 0.13 Per 10% decrease in baseline eCcr −8.38 (−8.83, −7.91) < 0.0001 Black compared to limited disease −8.82 (−25.94, 12.26) 0.38 Diffuse compared to limited disease 4.51 (0.37, 8.81) 0.03 History of SRC (yes vs no) −8.97 (−17.29, 0.20) 0.05 -
eCcr: estimated creatinine clearance rate; SRC: scleroderma renal crisis.