Index by author
September 01, 2010; Volume 37,Issue 9
- You have accessAssociation of a Functional Polymorphism in the Matrix Metalloproteinase-12 Promoter Region with Systemic Sclerosis in an Italian PopulationMIRKO MANETTI, LIDIA IBBA-MANNESCHI, CINZIA FATINI, SERENA GUIDUCCI, GIOVANNA CUOMO, CLAUDIA BONINO, LAURA BAZZICHI, VASILIKI LIAKOULI, ROBERTO GIACOMELLI, ROSANNA ABBATE, STEFANO BOMBARDIERI, CARLOMAURIZIO MONTECUCCO, GABRIELE VALENTINI and MARCO MATUCCI-CERINICThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2010, 37 (9) 1852-1857; DOI:
- You have accessNonarticular Tenderness and Functional Status in Patients with Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal HyperostosisREUVEN MADER, IRINA NOVOFASTOVSKI, EHUD ROSNER, MUHAMMAD ADAWI, PAULA HERER and DAN BUSKILAThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2010, 37 (9) 1911-1916; DOI:
Adebajo, ADEWALE
- You have accessEffect of Psoriatic Arthritis According to the Affected Categories of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and HealthWILLIAM J. TAYLOR, PHILIP J. MEASE, ADEWALE ADEBAJO, PETER J. NASH, MARIE FELETAR and DAFNA D. GLADMANThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2010, 37 (9) 1885-1891; DOI:
Akgul, OZGUR
- You have accessMnemonic for Assessment of the Spondyloarthritis International Society CriteriaSALIH OZGOCMEN, OZGUR AKGUL and MUHAMMAD ASIM KHANThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2010, 37 (9) 1978; DOI:
Alikhan, MIR
- You have accessCardiopulmonary Exercise Testing with Right-heart Catheterization in Patients with Systemic SclerosisALLAN J. WALKEY, MICHAEL IEONG, MIR ALIKHAN and HARRISON W. FARBERThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2010, 37 (9) 1871-1877; DOI:
Anis, ASLAM H.
- You have accessProductivity Loss Due to Presenteeism Among Patients with Arthritis: Estimates from 4 InstrumentsWEI ZHANG, MONIQUE A.M. GIGNAC, DORCAS BEATON, KENNETH TANG and ASLAM H. ANIS on behalf of the Canadian Arthritis Network Work Productivity GroupThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2010, 37 (9) 1805-1814; DOI:
Arden, NIGEL
- You have accessApplying the Impairment, Activity Limitation, and Participation Restriction Constructs of the ICF Model to Osteoarthritis and Low Back Pain Trials: A ReanalysisSALMA AYIS, NIGEL ARDEN, MICHAEL DOHERTY, BETH POLLARD, MARIE JOHNSTON and PAUL DIEPPEThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2010, 37 (9) 1923-1931; DOI:
- You have accessA Prospective Study of Periodontal Disease and Risk of Rheumatoid ArthritisELIZABETH V. ARKEMA, ELIZABETH W. KARLSON and KAREN H. COSTENBADERThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2010, 37 (9) 1800-1804; DOI:
- You have accessApplying the Impairment, Activity Limitation, and Participation Restriction Constructs of the ICF Model to Osteoarthritis and Low Back Pain Trials: A ReanalysisSALMA AYIS, NIGEL ARDEN, MICHAEL DOHERTY, BETH POLLARD, MARIE JOHNSTON and PAUL DIEPPEThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2010, 37 (9) 1923-1931; DOI:
- You have accessCaveat on the Interpretation of Metacarpal Head Erosions Seen by Magnetic Resonance ImagingFRANCESCA BARBIERI, MASSIMILIANO PARODI, GIUSEPPE ZAMPOGNA, FRANCESCO PAPARO and MARCO A. CIMMINOThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2010, 37 (9) 1965-1966; DOI: