Index by author
September 01, 2009; Volume 36,Issue 9
- You have accessObservations on Cryoglobulin Testing: II. The Association of Oligoclonal Mixed Cryoglobulinemia with Cirrhosis in Patients Infected with Hepatitis C VirusFRANCESCO G. DE ROSA, GYÖRGY ÁBEL and VINCENT AGNELLOThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2009, 36 (9) 1956-1957; DOI:
Abou-zeid, ALAA
- You have accessCan Magnetic Resonance Imaging Differentiate Undifferentiated Arthritis Based on Knee Imaging?YASSER EMAD, YASSER RAGAB, AHMED SHAARAWY, ALAA ABOU-ZEID, AHMED SAAD, MAGDY FAWZY, HANI JOKHDAR and JOHANNES J. RASKERThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2009, 36 (9) 1963-1970; DOI:
Aggarwal, ROHIT
- You have accessAbsence of Transaminase Elevation During Concomitant Methotrexate and Isoniazid TherapyLEA HILDA EKOCHIN, AUGUSTINE M. MANADAN, ROHIT AGGARWAL, WINSTON SEQUEIRA and JOEL A. BLOCKThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2009, 36 (9) 2127; DOI:
Agnello, VINCENT
- You have accessObservations on Cryoglobulin Testing: I. The Association of Cryoglobulins Containing Rheumatoid Factors with Manifestation of Cryoglobulinemic VasculitisFRANCESCO G. DE ROSA and VINCENT AGNELLOThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2009, 36 (9) 1953-1955; DOI:
- You have accessObservations on Cryoglobulin Testing: II. The Association of Oligoclonal Mixed Cryoglobulinemia with Cirrhosis in Patients Infected with Hepatitis C VirusFRANCESCO G. DE ROSA, GYÖRGY ÁBEL and VINCENT AGNELLOThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2009, 36 (9) 1956-1957; DOI:
Ala-kokko, LEENA
- You have accessAssociation Between Interleukin 1 Gene Cluster Polymorphisms and Bilateral Distal Interphalangeal OsteoarthritisSVETLANA SOLOVIEVA, OLLI-PEKKA KÄMÄRÄINEN, ARI HIRVONEN, SATU HÄMÄLÄINEN, MARI LAITALA, TAPIO VEHMAS, KATARIINA LUOMA, ANNU NÄKKI, HILKKA RIIHIMÄKI, LEENA ALA-KOKKO, MINNA MÄNNIKKÖ and PÄIVI LEINO-ARJASThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2009, 36 (9) 1977-1986; DOI:
Aletaha, DANIEL
- You have accessAssessing Quality of Sleep in Patients with Rheumatoid ArthritisGEORGE A. WELLS, TRACY LI, JOHN R. KIRWAN, JOAN PETERSON, DANIEL ALETAHA, MAARTEN BOERS, BARRY BRESNIHAN, MAXIME DOUGADOS, LEANNE IDZERDA, JO NICKLIN, MARIA SUAREZ-ALMAZOR, VIVIAN WELCH and PETER S. TUGWELLThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2009, 36 (9) 2077-2086; DOI:
Allanore, YANNICK
- You have accessVitamin D Deficiency and Insufficiency in 2 Independent Cohorts of Patients with Systemic SclerosisALESSANDRA VACCA, CATHERINE CORMIER, MARTINA PIRAS, ALESSANDRO MATHIEU, ANDRE KAHAN and YANNICK ALLANOREThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2009, 36 (9) 1924-1929; DOI:
- You have accessSevere Refractory Rheumatoid Arthritis Successfully Treated with Combination Rituximab and Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-Blocking AgentsEUGENIE KOUMAKIS, JULIEN WIPFF, JEROME AVOUAC, ANDRE KAHAN and YANNICK ALLANOREThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2009, 36 (9) 2125-2126; DOI:
Altman, ROY D.
- You have accessDiclofenac Sodium Gel in Patients with Primary Hand Osteoarthritis: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled TrialROY D. ALTMAN, RENÉE-LILIANE DREISER, CHESTER L. FISHER, WALTER F. CHASE, DONATUS S. DREHER and JOSEF ZACHERThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2009, 36 (9) 1991-1999; DOI:
- You have accessComparison of Screening Procedures for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection Among Patients with Inflammatory DiseasesBOLETTE SOBORG, MORTEN RUHWALD, MERETE LUND HETLAND, SØREN JACOBSEN, AASE BENGAARD ANDERSEN, NILS MILMAN, VIBEKE OSTERGAARD THOMSEN, DORTE VENDELBO JENSEN, ANDERS KOCH, JAN WOHLFAHRT and PERNILLE RAVNThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2009, 36 (9) 1876-1884; DOI:
- You have accessAfrican Americans and Whites Are Equally Appropriate to be Considered for Total Joint ArthroplastyDENNIS C. ANG, NIGHAT TAHIR, HUFZA HANIF, YAN TONG and SAID A. IBRAHIMThe Journal of Rheumatology September 1 2009, 36 (9) 1971-1976; DOI: