Methods to measure outcomes in gout still require consensus and validation. This Special Interest Group was assembled to identify domains of interest and is now evaluating a series of outcomes for features of acute gouty arthritis and chronic gout. To accomplish this, working groups have been formed and domains identified. Delphi methodology has been used to address gouty flares as an outcome of greatest interest. Studies addressing other outcome measures were reported at the OMERACT 8 meeting and validation has begun on some outcomes. There has been progress on developing a definition of a flare, and validating reproducibility of some chronic gout outcome measures in some domains, such as tophus size and patient perceptions. Use of these outcomes as well as a health-related quality of life measure are being studied in clinical trials. Pain on a Likert scale appears to be a valid outcome in acute gout. Final validation of these outcomes has not yet been achieved. In summary, the unique problems of evaluating outcomes in gout are finally being addressed. While no measures are available for use yet, an agenda has been developed.