OBJECTIVE: Although osteoporosis and associated fractures have been recognized as a significant public health problem, underdiagnosis and undertreatment are common. We investigated older adults' knowledge and beliefs regarding osteoporosis and its prevention, in order to develop effective osteoporosis health education messages and materials. These messages will be used as part of a trial that will test the efficacy of both public and doctor education to improve osteoporosis management. METHODS: We conducted semistructured one-on-one interviews with 15 older adult volunteers. A standard interview guide was developed and used for all interviews, which were audiotaped and transcribed. Key themes were extrapolated by 3 study staff using data abstraction forms. The data forms were then compared for consistency. RESULTS: We found that the term "osteoporosis" was well recognized, but many participants had only a fragmented understanding of its meaning. All participants identified osteoporosis as a serious condition, but many did not perceive themselves to be at personal risk for developing the condition. Many participants were confused about the difference between osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Participants expressed reservations about taking prescription medications because of concerns over cost, side effects, and interactions with their current medications. CONCLUSION: Osteoporosis awareness is high, but the older adults interviewed had an incomplete understanding of the condition. This could hinder efforts to improve prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.