Index by author
February 01, 2003; Volume 30,Issue 2
Adams, Barbara
- You have accessHealth status of patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at 1 and 5 years after diagnosis.Suzanne L Bowyer, Philip A Roettcher, Gloria C Higgins, Barbara Adams, Linda K Myers, Carol Wallace, Robert Rennebohm, Terry L Moore, Peri H Pepmueller, Charles Spencer, Linda Wagner-Weiner, Egla Rabinovich, Murray Passo, Daniel J Lovell, Deborah McCurdy, Lawrence Zemel, Kenneth N Schikler, Ilona Szer, Paul Kurtin and Carol LindsleyThe Journal of Rheumatology February 1 2003, 30 (2) 394-400;
Afeltra, Antonella
- You have accessExpression of lactoferrin on neutrophil granulocytes from synovial fluid and peripheral blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.Domenico Caccavo, Pierluigi Garzia, Gian Domenico Sebastiani, Giovanni Maria Ferri, Sara Galluzzo, Marta Vadacca, Amelia Rigon, Antonella Afeltra and Antonio AmorosoThe Journal of Rheumatology February 1 2003, 30 (2) 220-224;
Aggarwal, Amita
- You have accessChronic arsenic poisoning mimicking Gottron's rash.Anupam Wakhlu, Amita Aggarwal and Ramnath MisraThe Journal of Rheumatology February 1 2003, 30 (2) 415-416;
Alcocer-varela, Jorge
- You have accessSubcutaneous administration of polymerized-type I collagen for the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. An open-label pilot trial.Janette Furuzawa-Carballeda, Antonio R Cabral, Martín Zapata-Zuñiga and Jorge Alcocer-VarelaThe Journal of Rheumatology February 1 2003, 30 (2) 256-259;
Amoroso, Antonio
- You have accessExpression of lactoferrin on neutrophil granulocytes from synovial fluid and peripheral blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.Domenico Caccavo, Pierluigi Garzia, Gian Domenico Sebastiani, Giovanni Maria Ferri, Sara Galluzzo, Marta Vadacca, Amelia Rigon, Antonella Afeltra and Antonio AmorosoThe Journal of Rheumatology February 1 2003, 30 (2) 220-224;
Appelboom, Thierry
- You have accessAbnormalities in the replicative capacity of osteoblastic cells in the proximal femur of patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head.Valérie Gangji, Jean-Philippe Hauzeur, André Schoutens, Maurice Hinsenkamp, Thierry Appelboom and Dominique EgriseThe Journal of Rheumatology February 1 2003, 30 (2) 348-351;
Asherson, Ronald A
- You have accessHuman immunodeficiency virus infection, antiphospholipid antibodies, and the antiphospholipid syndrome.Ronald A Asherson and Yehuda ShoenfeldThe Journal of Rheumatology February 1 2003, 30 (2) 214-219;
Atalar, Enver
- You have accessIncreased soluble FAS suggests delayed apoptosis in familial Mediterranean fever complicated with amyloidosis.Sedat Kiraz, Ihsan Ertenli, M Akif Oztürk, Ibrahim C Haznedaroglu, Meral Calgüneri, Enver Atalar, Zeynep Ozbalkan, Serafettin Kirazli and Ismail CelikThe Journal of Rheumatology February 1 2003, 30 (2) 313-315;
Aya-ay, James P
- You have accessB cell loss leading to remission in severe systemic lupus erythematosus.Teresa K Tarrant, D Hugh Frazer, James P Aya-Ay and Dhavalkumar D PatelThe Journal of Rheumatology February 1 2003, 30 (2) 412-414;
Bambara, Lisa Maria
- You have accessHomocysteine plasma concentration is related to severity of lung impairment in scleroderma.Paola Caramaschi, Nicola Martinelli, Domenico Biasi, Antonio Carletto, Giovanni Faccini, Alessandro Volpe, Marcello Ferrari, Cinzia Scambi and Lisa Maria BambaraThe Journal of Rheumatology February 1 2003, 30 (2) 298-304;