Index by author
January 01, 2003; Volume 30,Issue 1
Aggarwal, Amita
- You have accessSporadic enteric reactive arthritis and undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy: evidence for involvement of Salmonella typhimurium.Rajesh Sinha, Amita Aggarwal, Kashinath Prasad and Ramnath MisraThe Journal of Rheumatology January 1 2003, 30 (1) 105-113;
Ahern, Michael J
- You have accessReduced chemokine and matrix metalloproteinase expression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis achieving remission.Amel Katrib, Malcolm D Smith, Michael J Ahern, John Slavotinek, Leanne Stafford, Carolyn Cuello, James V Bertouch, H Patrick McNeil and Peter P YoussefThe Journal of Rheumatology January 1 2003, 30 (1) 10-21;
Airaksinen, K E Juhani
- You have accessComprehensive study of autonomic function in a population with primary Sjögren's syndrome. No evidence of autonomic involvement.Raija K Niemelä, Markku Hakala, Heikki V Huikuri and K E Juhani AiraksinenThe Journal of Rheumatology January 1 2003, 30 (1) 74-79;
Allanore, Yannick
- You have accessCorrelation of serum collagen I carboxyterminal telopeptide concentrations with cutaneous and pulmonary involvement in systemic sclerosis.Yannick Allanore, Didier Borderie, Herve Lemaréchal, Brigitte Cherruau, Ohvanesse G Ekindjian and Andre KahanThe Journal of Rheumatology January 1 2003, 30 (1) 68-73;
Amarelo, Juan
- You have accessLack of association of ankylosing spondylitis with the most common NOD2 susceptibility alleles to Crohn's disease.Isabel Ferreirós-Vidal, Juan Amarelo, Francisco Barros, Angel Carracedo, Juan J Gómez-Reino and Antonio GonzalezThe Journal of Rheumatology January 1 2003, 30 (1) 102-104;
Avorn, Jerry
- You have accessDo gastroprotective drugs prevent NSAID toxicity?Daniel H Solomon and Jerry AvornThe Journal of Rheumatology January 1 2003, 30 (1) 203;
Badley, Elizabeth M
- You have accessConsistent low prevalence of arthritis in quebec: findings from a provincial variation study in Canada based on several canadian population health surveys.Peizhong P Wang and Elizabeth M BadleyThe Journal of Rheumatology January 1 2003, 30 (1) 126-131;
Barros, Francisco
- You have accessLack of association of ankylosing spondylitis with the most common NOD2 susceptibility alleles to Crohn's disease.Isabel Ferreirós-Vidal, Juan Amarelo, Francisco Barros, Angel Carracedo, Juan J Gómez-Reino and Antonio GonzalezThe Journal of Rheumatology January 1 2003, 30 (1) 102-104;
Bathon, Joan M
- You have accessKnee osteoarthritis compromises early mobility function: The Women's Health and Aging Study II.Shari M Ling, Linda P Fried, Elizabeth S Garrett, Ming-Yu Fan, Taina Rantanen and Joan M BathonThe Journal of Rheumatology January 1 2003, 30 (1) 114-120;
Benson, Linda M
- You have accessStructural characterization of a case-implicated contaminant, "Peak X," in commercial preparations of 5-hydroxytryptophan.Klaus Klarskov, Kenneth L Johnson, Linda M Benson, Jennifer D Cragun, Gerald J Gleich, Monika Wrona, Xiang-Rong Jiang, Glenn Dryhurst and Stephen NaylorThe Journal of Rheumatology January 1 2003, 30 (1) 89-95;