Index by author
May 01, 2001; Volume 28,Issue 5
Abe, H
- You have accessAnti-apolipoprotein A-I autoantibody: characterization of monoclonal autoantibodies from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.H Abe, N Tsuboi, S Suzuki, H Sakuraba, H Takanashi, K Tahara, N Tonozuka, T Hayashi and M UmedaThe Journal of Rheumatology May 1 2001, 28 (5) 990-995;
Adawi, M
- You have accessBehçet's disease in Israel: the influence of ethnic origin on disease expression and severity.I Krause, R Mader, J Sulkes, M Paul, Y Uziel, M Adawi and A WeinbergerThe Journal of Rheumatology May 1 2001, 28 (5) 1033-1036;
Albers, M J
- You have accessGenetic anticipation in rheumatoid arthritis in Europe. European Consortium on Rheumatoid Arthritis Families.T R Radstake, P Barrera, M J Albers, H L Swinkels, L B van de Putte, P L van Riel and European Consortium on Rheumatoid Arthritis FamiliesThe Journal of Rheumatology May 1 2001, 28 (5) 962-967;
Almstahl, A
- You have accessMicroflora in oral ecosystems in primary Sjögren's syndrome.A Almståhl, M Wikström and U KroneldThe Journal of Rheumatology May 1 2001, 28 (5) 1007-1013;
Alvarez, E
- You have accessZymosan modulates CD44 isoform expression in a murine model of inflammation resembling rheumatoid arthritis synovitis.P V Cabrera, G Blanco, M J Gravisaco, E Alvarez and S HajosThe Journal of Rheumatology May 1 2001, 28 (5) 943-949;
Alves, H
- You have accessNoninherited maternal antigens do not increase the susceptibility for familial rheumatoid arthritis. European Consortium on Rheumatoid Arthritis Families (ECRAF).P Barrera, A Balsa, H Alves, R Westhovens, K Maenaut, F Cornélis, P Fritz, T Bardin, M Ceu Maia, A Lopes-Vaz, D Pascual Salcedo, E de la Concha, T Radstake, L B van de Putte, P Migliorini, J F Prudhomme, D Charron, M Spyropoulou, A Mendes, M Spaepen, M Martinez, C Stavropoulos and European Consortium on Rheumatoid Arthritis FamiliesThe Journal of Rheumatology May 1 2001, 28 (5) 968-974;
Amir, J
- You have accessTreatment of calcinosis in juvenile dermatomyositis with probenecid: the role of phosphorus metabolism in the development of calcifications.L Harel, G Harel, L Korenreich, R Straussberg and J AmirThe Journal of Rheumatology May 1 2001, 28 (5) 1129-1132;
Amoli, M M
- You have accessPolymorphism at codon 469 of the intercellular adhesion molecule-1 locus is associated with protection against severe gastrointestinal complications in Henoch-Schönlein purpura.M M Amoli, D L Mattey, M C Calviño, C Garcia-Porrua, W Thomson, A H Hajeer, W E Ollier and M A Gonzalez-GayThe Journal of Rheumatology May 1 2001, 28 (5) 1014-1018;
Amouroux, J
- You have accessInflammatory arthropathy in MRL hematopoietic chimeras undergoing Fas mediated graft-versus-host syndrome.D Bonardelle, P Bobé, M Reynès, J Amouroux, V Tricottet, F Godeau and N KigerThe Journal of Rheumatology May 1 2001, 28 (5) 956-961;
Badley, E M
- You have accessThe contribution of arthritis and arthritis disability to nonparticipation in the labor force: a Canadian example.E M Badley and P P WangThe Journal of Rheumatology May 1 2001, 28 (5) 1077-1082;
In this issue