Table 1.

The key areas assessed in the Delphi survey for performance and analysis of synovial tissue biopsy.

Biopsy sampling
  No. samples retrieved per large or small joint and from different areas of the joint
Biopsy processing
  Duration of time biopsies should be kept in formalin prior to being processed
Histological criteria
  Biopsy area
  Specific morphological criteria including presence of lining layer and preservation of tissue architecture
Staining and immunohistochemistry
  Requirement for H&E and staining for specific mandatory or optional immunohistochemical cellular markers (CD68, CD3, CD19, CD20, etc.)
Biopsy interpretation
  Requirement for synovitis score, pathotype, presence of lymphoid follicles
  Type of analysis: semiquantitative or quantitative, and no. areas of biopsy to be assessed
RNA analysis
  Pooling of biopsies for RNA extraction