Table 4.

Results from multivariable linear regression analyses. Association between comorbidities and patient-reported outcomes in the random sample (n = 2535).

VariablesEstimates (p value)
SJC (0–48)TJC (0–50)WHO-5FFbH
Model A: association between no. comorbidities and outcomes
  Comorbidities, per unit0.37 (0.0023)0.65 (< 0.0001)−1.87 (< 0.0001)−2.30 (< 0.0001)
  BMI, per 5 units0.44 (0.1294)0.45 (0.1701)−1.43 (0.0260)−2.91 (< 0.0001)
  Age, per 5 yrs0.16 (0.1914)−0.02 (0.8780)1.46 (< 0.0001)−0.63 (0.0161)
  Seronegative RA−0.12 (0.7998)0.26 (0.6400)−0.51 (0.6600)1.93 (0.0679)
  Female sex1.56 (0.0050)1.32 (0.0265)−3.9 (0.0011)−7.34 (< 0.0001)
  Smoking1.06 (0.2346)0.8 (0.4333)−6.54 (0.0002)−2.44 (0.1055)
Model B: association between specific comorbidities and outcomes
  Cardiac arrhythmia0.25 (0.7626)0.56 (0.5472)0.04 (0.9843)−1.12 (0.5332)
  Coronary heart disease−0.01 (0.9874)0.49 (0.6563)−2.98 (0.1720)−0.67 (0.7355)
  Hypertension−0.23 (0.7531)−0.04 (0.9632)−3.14 (0.0392)−2.06 (0.1493)
  Hyperlipidemia1.05 (0.0982)1.20 (0.0941)−0.68 (0.6328)−0.56 (0.6673)
  Hypothyroidism0.39 (0.6062)−0.13 (0.8733)−0.70 (0.6779)−1.80 (0.2536)
  Diabetes1.25 (0.1509)1.25 (0.1818)−2.57 (0.1594)−3.01 (0.0682)
  Osteoporosis0.33 (0.6352)1.56 (0.0523)−0.04 (0.9808)−5.97 (< 0.0001)
  Osteoarthritis1.27 (0.0292)1.43 (0.0350)−2.44 (0.0723)−4.51 (0.0002)
  Depression1.11 (0.0917)2.66 (0.0002)−12.96 (< 0.0001)−7.24 (< 0.0001)
  BMI, per 5 units0.51 (0.0951)0.63 (0.0618)−1.45 (0.0286)−3.48 (< 0.0001)
  Age, per 5 yrs0.18 (0.1520)0.00 (0.9819)1.08 (0.0004)−0.97 (0.0005)
  Seronegative RA0.02 (0.9693)0.25 (0.6690)0.3 (0.7904)1.86 (0.0793)
  Female sex1.37 (0.0126)0.72 (0.2805)−2.61 (0.0403)−5.08 (< 0.0001)
  Smoking1.13 (0.2216)0.71 (0.4643)−5.63 (0.0005)−2.37 (0.1093)
  • Values in bold face show statistically significant influence. Only comorbidities with prevalence above 15% were included in the second model. Although obesity had a prevalence above 15%, this comorbidity was not included because of the selection of BMI. SJC: swollen joint count; TJC: tender joint count; WHO-5: World Health Organization 5-item Well-being Index; FFbH: Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; BMI: body mass index.