Table 2.

Treatment principles to reduce harm.

Prior to starting medical herbal cannabis
  Treatment goals and objectives should be realistic and clearly specified.
  An assessment for substance use disorder must be documented.
  Patients should be well informed about the adverse effects associated with cannabis use.
Drug preparations, route of administration, and dosing
  Inhalation through a vaporizer has a rapid therapeutic effect, whereas oral ingestion has a slower but more sustained effect. Both routes of administration are preferred over smoked cannabis.
  Cannabis with a low THC content (maximum 9%) and higher CBD content is preferable.
  Total daily dose should not exceed 3 g.
  The drug can be used regularly or on demand.
Assessment of side effects and efficacy
  Followup 4–8 weeks after initiating the drug
  Followup every 3 months thereafter
  • THC: Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol; CBD: cannabidiol.