Table 3.

Proportion of patients categorized with impaired spinal mobility according to subgroups. Values are n (%).

VariablesNAll Patients, n = 393AxSpA, n = 142Possible SpA, n = 140No SpA, n = 111p
  Lateral spinal flexion393158 (40)50 (35)57 (41)51 (46)0.22
  Chest expansionγ37381 (22)27 (20)31 (24)23 (21)0.81
  Cervical rotation38969 (18)21 (15)31 (23)17 (15)0.18
  Intermalleolar distanceγ37063 (17)16 (12)28 (21)19 (18)0.13
  Lumbar flexion, 10 cm Schober’s39357 (15)17 (12)20 (14)20 (18)0.40
  Occiput-to-wall distance39342 (11)18 (13)18 (13)6 (5)0.10
  BASMI386111 (29)29 (21)45 (33)37 (33)0.03 α, β
  Impaired mobility measures δ
  No. impaired mobility measures
    1118 (32)38 (29)40 (31)40 (37)
    268 (19)18 (14)23 (18)27 (25)
    337 (10)15 (11)15 (12)7 (6)
    ≥ 419 (5)5 (4)9 (7)5 (5)
No. with at least 1 impaired mobility measure242 (66)76 (58)87 (68)79 (73)
  • Statistically significant subgroup difference between α axSpA and possible SpA, β axSpA and no SpA. γ Derivation of reference percentile included height. δ Patients with complete set of mobility measures. AxSpA: axial spondyloarthritis; BASMI: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index.