Table 1.

Baseline study population characteristics (n = 265).

CharacteristicsMean ± SD or n (%)
Age at time of HRCT, yrs50 ± 12
Sex, female216 (82)
Body mass index, kg/m229 ± 6
Ethnicity, white192 (73)
Smoker, current or former97 (37)
Alcohol, current96 (46)
Proton pump inhibitor use, current171 (65)
SSc disease subtype
  Diffuse cutaneous129 (49)
  Limited cutaneous131 (49)
  Sine scleroderma5 (2)
Years between first non-Raynaud SSc symptom and HRCT date6 ± 11
SSc specific antibodies, positive
  Antitopoisomerase I (Scl-70)78 (30)
  Anticentromere antibodies48 (18)
  Anti-RNA polymerase III59 (23)
Modified Rodnan skin score13 ± 11
Radiographic ILD present188 (71)
FVC % predicted76 ± 18
DLCO % predicted60 ± 20
  • SSc: systemic sclerosis; HRCT: high-resolution computed tomography; ILD: interstitial lung disease; FVC: forced vital capacity.