Table 1.

The diagnosis and monitoring of SLE in clinic (n = 155 responders).

Questionnaire ItemsMode (% responders)Strategies (% responders)
Use revised ACR 1997 criteria for diagnosisUsually (39)Always (35), sometimes (15), never (10)
Ranking of most common organ manifestations of SLE in clinical practiceMusculoskeletal (41)Mucocutaneous (26), fatigue (24), renal (6), fibromyalgia (4)
Laboratory investigations for initial patient visitCBC (100)> 75% responders: creatinine (99), urinalysis (99), WBC and differential (98), dsDNA (96), ANA (96), antibodies against extractable nuclear antigens (95), complement (C3/C4 or functional assay; 94), liver enzymes (91), CRP (86), ESR (84) 11–74% responders: anticardiolipin/antiphospholipid antibodies (64), LAC/inhibitor (58), INR/PTT (49), urine protein:creatinine ratio (47), hepatitis B/C (39), quantitative immunoglobulins (35), anti-β2-GPI (22), CH50 or CH100 (15), other (17) ≤ 10% responders: 24-h urine protein (9), ANCA (8), 24-h urine creatinine (7), HIV (5)
Tests always used to evaluate disease activity, damage, or comorbidity on a regular basisSwollen joint count (77)50–75% responders: tender joint count (70), BMD (56) 11–50% responders: PGA (42), PtGA (31), SLEDAI (any version; 16), other (14), SLICC/ACR Damage Index (12) ≤ 10% responders: SLAM (2), BILAG (any version; 1), Charlson Comorbidity Index (1)
Tests used to monitor disease activity over timeCBC (98)75–98% responders: creatinine (97), WBC differential (95), urinalysis (94), complement C3, C4 or functional assay (82); 50–75% responders: CRP (75), ESR (72), dsDNA (72), liver enzymes (59); 10–50% responders: urine protein: creatinine ratio (44), ANA (18), antibodies against nuclear antigens (17), 24-h urine protein (14), anticardiolipin/antiphospholipid antibodies (14), INR/PTT (11); ≤ 10%: LAC/inhibitor (10), quantitative immunoglobulins (10), other (9), 24-h urine creatinine (8), CH50 or CH100 (7), anti-β2-GPI (4), ANCA (1), hepatitis B/C (0), HIV (0)
Frequency of monitoring disease activity with laboratory studies in a patient with stable SLEEvery 6 months (39)Every 3–4 months (35), once a year (12), every 2–3 mos (10), every month (1), no formal laboratory monitoring (1)
  • SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus; ACR: American College of Rheumatology; CBC: complete blood count; WBC: white blood cell (count); ANA: antinuclear antibody; CRP: C-reactive protein; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; LAC: lupus anticoagulant; anti-β2-GPI: anti-ß2-glycoprotein I; INR/PTT: internationalized normalized ratio/prothrombin time; ANCA: antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; BMD: bone mineral density; PGA: physician’s global assessment; PtGA: patient’s global assessment; SLEDAI: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index; SLICC: Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics; SLAM: Systemic Lupus Activity Measure; BILAG: British Isles Lupus Assessment Group index.