Table 3.

Self-reported work productivity, absenteeism, and presenteeism.

Study, YrTreatmentTool Used to Measure Work ProductivityRange*Measurement of Self-reported Work ProductivityChange in Self-reported Work ProductivityMeasure of Variability for Self-reported Work ProductivityAbsenteeismPresenteeism§
Kavanaugh, et al, 200610PBOVAS(0–10)Median VAS score change from baseline−0.3IQR (−1.5, 1.5)0NR
IFX, 5 mg/kg−2.6**IQR (− 0.5, −5)−9.3NR
Kavanaugh, et al, 200911PBOVAS(0–10)Mean VAS score change from baseline−0.08SD (2.6)0.4NR
GOL, 50 mg−1.9**SD (2.7)1.6NR
GOL, 100 mg−2.6**SD (3)2.3NR
Kavanaugh, et al, 201212PBOVAS(0–10)Mean VAS score change from baseline−0.78NRNRNR
UST, 45 mg−1.82**NRNRNR
UST, 90 mg−2.64**NRNRNR
Kavanaugh, et al, 201513PBOWPS(0–10)Mean WPS score change from baseline−1NR−1−0.3
CZP, 200 mg−2.7NRNR−1.8NR−3.9**
CZP, 400 mg−1.9 NRNR−1−3**
Zhang, et al, 201414PBOWLQ(0–10) ŦMedian % improvement of productivity loss0.37NRNRNR
APR, 20 mg−1.89NRNRNRNR
APR, 30 mg−2.47 NRNRNRNR
  • * Lower VAS, WPS, and WLQ scores represent greater work productivity.

  • ** Statistically significant difference compared to PBO at a 0.05 level.

  • Days missed from work per month.

  • § Days with reduced productivity per month.

  • Ŧ Scores were transformed from a 0–100 scale. PBO: placebo; IFX: infliximab; GOL: golimumab; UST: ustekinumab; CZP: certolizumab pegol; APR: apremilast; VAS: visual analog scale; WPS: Work Productivity Survey; WLQ: Work Limitations Questionnaire; IQR: interquartile range;

  • NR: statistical significance level not reported; NR: not reported.