Table 2.

Experiences needing improvement according to the participants in the program: NGT session. Eighteen people participated in the NGT session on the last day of the OMERACT and allocated either 3, 2, or 1 dots (equal to score of 3, 2, or 1) from the most pertinent to the third most pertinent experience needing improvement; total does not add to the exact multiple because some people did not use all dots.

Experience Needing ImprovementScore
2. Facilitation issue during breakouts (objectives not clear; participation from all participants not encouraged)55
3. Biased voting (potential conflict of interest: do not lead the session when you have a conflict of interest with the instrument being voted on)17
4. Overall burden of core set instruments vs feasibility of each instrument11
5. Context of the workshop not being clear11
1. Methodology/statistics gaps9
  • NGT: nominal group technique; OMERACT: Outcome Measures in Rheumatology.