Table 4.

Direct outpatient cost of care for subjects with GCA over a 5-year period. Values are the total incremental costs (95% CI) according to cost-percentiles for patients with GCA compared with referent subjects, inflation-adjusted to 2014 US dollars.

PercentileModel 1*Model 2
10th902 (357–1648)890 (173–1594)
25th1902 (566–2953)2399 (1210–3382)
50th4227 (1960–6162)4662 (1903–7139)
75th9393 (5570–11,614)7668 (5845–9564)
90th10,514 (3456–14,947)7833 (3275–14,357)
  • * Adjusted for age and sex.

  • Adjusted for age, sex, weighted Charlson Comorbidity Index, and number of inpatient days. GCA: giant cell arteritis.