Table 2.

Economic and time comparison of the HLA-B locus PCR-SSO test with the HLA-B*27 targeted tag-SNP assay (rs116488202).

VariablesHLA-B Locus PCR-SSOHLA-B*27 Tag-SNP
Cost per sample, $64.914.613.28
Cost per run, $714.0092.16190.02
Hands-on time per run, min209151403
Hands-on time per sample, min196.306.30
Samples tested per run, n112058
  • The HLA-B locus kit is sufficient to perform 16 reactions (11 samples, 4 rotating positive controls, 1 non-template control). Given that it is easy to mix up sample order during the wash cycle step for the PCR-SSO kit, a minimum of 4 controls is strongly recommended. Hands-on time represents the total time for run preparation paperwork, wet work, quality control, result analysis, interpretation, second checking, and reporting. PCR-SSO: PCR-sequence–specific oligonucleotide; SNP: single-nucleotide polymorphism.