Table 4.

WASI and neurobehavioral performance. Values are mean ± SD. Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons with p < 0.006.

VariablesJIA OSA, n = 35JIA without OSA, n = 33Controls without OSA, n = 67p
  Verbal113.1 ± 14106.9 ± 16113.7 ± 160.30
  Performance105.6 ± 13100.6 ± 12110.2 ± 160.03
  Full score110.4 ± 12103.9 ± 13113.5 ± 150.06
CANTAB variables
  RTI simple, ms436.5 ± 105436.4 ± 133385.8 ± 980.03
  RTI 5-choice, ms454.1 ± 94439.3 ± 93416.0 ± 1050.20
  MTS percent correct, %94.3 ± 796.8 ± 694.5 ± 70.26
  MTS mean latency change, 2–8, ms2040.9 ± 13502769.6 ± 17332113.9 ± 15330.07
  RVP probability to hit, pr0.28 ± 0.190.34 ± 0.210.40 ± 0.230.08
  RVP probability of false alarm, pr0.03 ± 0.050.03 ± 0.060.02 ± 0.030.32
  • Maternal education included as a covariate for all outcomes. Raw CANTAB scores. WASI: Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence; CANTAB: Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery; RTI: reaction time test; MTS: match to sample test; RVP: rapid visual information processing test; pr: probability range 0–1.