Table 1.

Baseline demographics of TCZ monotherapy patients who transitioned to LTE. Values are mean (SD) unless otherwise specified.

DemographicTCZ Monotherapy, n = 134
Age, yrs51.1 (12.3)
Female, n (%)111 (82.8)
Baseline oral corticosteroid use, n (%)60 (44.8)
No. previous DMARD0.9 (1.0)
No. previous anti-TNF0.1 (0.3)
RA duration, yrs5.9 (7.4)
CRP, mg/dl3.0 (3.3)
ESR, mm/h51.3 (26.0)
TJC6832.3 (14.3)
SJC6618.7 (9.9)
VAS PtGA, mm*62.5 (19.2)
DAS28*6.8 (0.9)
  • * n = 133. TCZ: tocilizumab; LTE: longterm extension; DMARD: disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; anti-TNF: antitumor necrosis factor; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; CRP: C-reactive protein; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; TJC68: tender joint count at 68 joints; SJC66: swollen joint count at 66 joints; VAS: visual analog scale; PtGA: patient’s global assessment; DAS28: Disease Activity Score at 28 joints.