Table 3.

Persistence and factors associated with persistence to MTX in patients with RA.

Persistence with MTX
StudyReceiving MTX, nMeasurementCumulative SurvivalNo. Discontinuers, Reasons for DiscontinuationFactors Associated with Retention
Prospective studies by publication yr
  Alarcón, et al28152Chart data/patient self-report1 yr: 71%, 3 yrs: 56%, 5 yrs: 50%, 6 yrs: 49%, 10 yrs: 30%n = 78, tolerability 60%, inefficacy 8%, elective surgical procedure 8%, other 24%(−) Major toxic event
(−) Started MTX before 1984
  Alarcón, et al29n = 94, tolerability 53%, inefficacy 6%, elective surgical procedure 7%, other 33%
  Wolfe, et al30187Chart dataMedian 4.25 yrsNR(−) Reduced grip strength
  Salaffi, et al3451Chart data1 yr: 80%, 2 yrs: 75%, 3 yrs: 71%n = 15, tolerability 53%, inefficacy 27%, elective surgical procedure 7%, poor compliance 13%NR
  De La Mata, et al35152Chart dataMedian 4.26 yrs, 95% CI 2.09–6.41n = 51a, tolerability 37%, inefficacy 43%, other 20%None identified
  Papadopoulos, et al41212Chart data5 yrs: 55%
Median 10 yrs
n = NR, tolerabilityb, inefficacycNR
  Wolfe, et al43675Patient reportMedian 1.17 yrs, 95% CI 1.0–1.5NRNR
  Lie, et al471218Chart data6 mos: 83%, 2 yrs: 66%n = NR at 6 mosd, tolerability 47%, inefficacy 30%
n = NR at 6–12 mos, tolerability 27%, inefficacy 53%
(−) Younger age
(−) Longer disease duration
(−) Worse function
(−) Worse patient’s global assessment
  Lie, et al48927Chart data1 yr: 75%, 2 yrs: 66%, 3 yrs: 58%n = 446, tolerability 32%, inefficacy 45%, other 23%NR
  Gibofsky, et al531893Chart data< 5 yrs: 82.7% (ETN + MTX)
< 5 yrs: 84.9% (ETN + MTX
+ other DMARD)
n = 316, tolerability 25%, inefficacy 6%, cost 2%, patient decision 41%, other/unknown 27%NR
Retrospective studies by publication yr
  Scully, et al31124Chart data5 yrs: 31%n = 85, tolerability 52%, inefficacy 24%, concurrent illness 11%, personal reasons 8%, lost to followup 6%(+) Younger age
(+) Shorter duration of disease
  Tishler, et al32126Chart data2 yrs: 72%, 3 yrs: 72%, 4 yrs: 67%, 5 yrs: 56%, 7 yrs: 56%
Mean 3.07 ± 1.53 yrs
n = 40, tolerability 68%, inefficacy 25%, poor compliance/fear of toxicity 8%(+) Seronegativity
  McKendry and Dale33144Chart data2 yrs: 53%, 5 yrs: 25%n = 81, tolerability 53%, inefficacy 22%, other medical reasons 10%, nonmedical reasons 6%, lost to followup 9%NR
  Buchbinder, et al37587Chart data1 yr: 87%, 2 yrs: 82%, 5.8 yrs: 76%n = NR, tolerability 16%e, inefficacy 8%e(−) Age ≥ 65 yrs, for discontinuation due to toxicity
Treating rheumatologist
  Keysser, et al36371Chart data4.6 yrs: 40%n = 224, tolerability 26%, inefficacy 72%, other 2%NR
  Wluka, et al38392Chart data12 yrs: 53%n = 187, tolerability 45%, inefficacy 22%, remission 12%, other 13%, unknown 8%(−) Age ≥ 65 yrs
  Ortendahl, et al39437Chart data2.5 yrs: 59%
5 yrs: 49%
Median 4.33 yrs
NR(+) Shorter disease duration
(−) Fewer previous NSAID
(−) Fewer previous DMARD
  Aletaha and Smolen40389Chart data5 yrs: 37% (≤ 10 mg/week), 57% (≥ 12.5 mg/week), median 3.33 yrs, IQR 1–9.42NR(+) Higher dose MTX
  Hoekstra, et al421022Chart data5 yrs: 64%, 9 yrs: 50%n = 394a, tolerability 45%, inefficacy 18%, remission 5%, patient’s request 7%, other 24%(+) Folic acid supplementation
(+) Concurrent prednisone
Attending rheumatologist
  Yazici, et al44248Chart data5 yrs: 79%n = 46, tolerability 57%, inefficacy 33%, disease improved 7%, other diseases 2%, pregnancy 2%NR
  Kapral, et al4986Chart dataMean 2 ± 0.23 yrsn = 79, tolerability 23%, inefficacy 47%(+) Previous MTX use
  Ideguchi, et al45273Chart data3 yrs: 80%, 5 yrs: 62%n = 43, tolerability 79%, inefficacy 14%, remission 5%, patient’s request 2%(+) Fewer previous DMARD
  Bernatsky and Ehrmann Feldman50246Claims data6 mos: 80%
1 yr: 68%
2 yrs: 50%
NR(−) Age > 70 yrs
(−) Higher comorbidity score
(−) IM MTX vs PO MTX
  Agarwal, et al4666Chart data/patient self-reportMedian 2.33 yrs, IQR 1.25–3.75NR(+) First-line treatment with MTX
(+) MTX monotherapy
  Scott, et al51198Chart data6 mos: 78%n = 43, tolerability 56%, inefficacy 14%NR
  Curtis, et al5224,479Claims data1 yr: 50%NRNR
  Nikiphorou, et al54762Chart dataMedian 0.83 yrs, range 0.02–10, in discontinuersn = 260, tolerability 78%, inefficacy 12%, no longer indicated 7%, patient’s choice 5%, not stated 5%NR
  Bliddal, et al5518,703Claims dataMedian 6.15 yrsfNR(−) Female sex
(−) Younger age
(−) Longer time between RA diagnosis and initiation of MTX
(−) Comorbidities: heart failure, atherosclerosis, mild liver disease, kidney disease
  Branco, et al5650Chart data1 yr: 93.9%g, 2 yrs: 91.5%g, 3 yrs: 76.8%gn = 9, tolerability 67%, inefficacy 22%, other 11%NR
  • a No. treatment episodes discontinued, not no. discontinuers.

  • b Twenty-two MTX prescriptions were discontinued because of side effects; total nos. patients discontinuing MTX and prescription discontinuations are not stated.

  • c Main reason for discontinuation; additional detail not provided.

  • d Seventeen percent of patients discontinued MTX during the first 6 months.

  • e Sixteen percent of all patients discontinued MTX because of intolerability; 8% of all patients discontinued MTX because of lack of efficacy.

  • f Persistence on MTX ≥ 7.5 mg/week (defined by the authors as the minimal effective dose).

  • g Extrapolated, owing to short followup duration and low actual withdrawal rate. MTX: methotrexate; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; ETN: etanercept; DMARD: disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; NR: not reported; NSAID: nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs; IM: intramuscularly; PO: by mouth; IQR: interquartile range.