Table 3.

Percentage of patients reporting difficulty performing PROMIS HAQ domain activities — patients with inadequately vs adequately controlled gout.

Activities% Reporting No/Little/Some/Much Difficulty/Unable to do
Patients with Inadequately Controlled Gout, N = 836Patients with Adequately Controlled Gout, N = 368p *
Dress yourself including shoelaces and buttons62.3/25.3/6.2/5.7/0.575.7/17.7/3.6/2.5/0.6< 0.0001
Shampoo your hair75.1/17.5/5.0/1.8/0.688.1/10.0/1.9/0.0/0.0< 0.0001
Stand up from armless straight chair61.0/22.1/7.9/8.4/0.674.9/18.0/4.1/2.8/0.3< 0.0001
Get in/out of bed64.5/24.4/9.0/1.7/0.479.0/14.1/5.5/1.4/0.0< 0.0001
Cut your own food using eating utensils81.1/12.7/5.1/0.9/0.292.5/6.1/1.1/0.3/0.0< 0.0001
Lift a full cup/glass to mouth84.7/11.3/2.7/1.2/0.195.8/2.5/1.4/0.3/0.0< 0.0001
Open a new milk carton76.8/14.7/6.5/1.2/0.985.9/10.5/2.2/1.1/0.30.0002
Walk outdoors on flat ground58.8/16.2/7.3/17.0/0.780.6/10.3/1.9/7.2/0.0< 0.0001
Climb up 5 steps53.3/19.3/9.1/17.2/1.170.8/18.9/2.8/7.5/0.0< 0.0001
Wash/dry your body77.3/16.2/4.8/1.3/0.490.3/6.4/2.5/0.8/0.0< 0.0001
Take a tub bath68.5/20.7/6.6/2.8/1.480.1/14.0/3.9/1.4/0.6< 0.0001
Get on/off toilet70.9/16.4/4.9/7.7/0.183.8/11.7/1.7/2.8/0.0< 0.0001
Reach up and take down a 5-lb object61.0/22.5/8.4/6.8/1.273.9/18.3/4.2/3.4/0.3< 0.0001
Bend down to pick up clothing from floor55.4/29.5/10.4/4.0/0.767.5/23.6/7.8/1.1/0.0< 0.0001
Open car doors77.0/17.0/4.8/0.6/0.691.1/7.0/1.4/0.6/0.0< 0.0001
Open previously opened jars69.9/21.0/6.7/1.6/0.980.3/15.5/3.1/0.3/0.80.0001
Turn faucet on/off78.9/15.1/5.0/0.9/0.189.5/8.9/1.1/0.6/0.0< 0.0001
Run errands and shop58.3/18.9/5.1/16.1/1.677.3/11.9/3.6/6.4/0.8< 0.0001
Get in/out of car58.7/26.7/11.2/3.2/0.374.5/21.9/3.3/0.3/0.0< 0.0001
Do chores such as vacuuming or yard work48.7/28.4/15.6/4.1/3.364.0/22.9/9.5/2.8/0.8< 0.0001
Need cane/crutches/walker/wheelchair or help to get around, % yes16.26.4< 0.0001
Need special chair/raised toilet seat or help to stand up from sitting, % yes7.22.50.001
Need a buttonhook/zipper pull/gadget or help to get dressed, % yes4.62.80.152
Need a long-handled appliance or help to reach something, % yes5.73.10.057
  • * P value represents the difference between patients with controlled and uncontrolled gout across the 5 groups of difficulty or in the percent responding “yes.” PROMIS: Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System; HAQ: Health Assessment Questionnaire.