Table 2.

Characteristics of patients with psoriatic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) who would be classified as polyarticular or oligoarticular JIA if the inclusion criterion of psoriasis in a first-degree relative was disregarded.

Age, yrsSexCharacteristic
At DiagnosisAt 6 Months
Polyarticular, n = 8
1.6FNo. active joints: 15No active joints recorded
Dactylitis: 1Dactylitis: 5
0.8FNo. active joints: 14No. active joints: 1
Dactylitis: 3Dactylitis: 1
2.6FNo. active joints: 7No. active joints:1
Dactylitis: 1Dactylitis: not recorded
4.2FNo. active joints: 14No. active joints: 5
Dactylitis: 3Dactylitis: not recorded
0.3MNo. active joints: 15No. active joints: 1
Dactylitis: 2Dactylitis: not recorded
8.5FNo. active joints: 10Nothing recorded
Nail pits
2.8MNo. active joints: 6No. active joints: 2
Nail pitsNail pits: not recorded
2.4MNo. active joints: 5Nothing recorded
Dactylitis: 1
Oligoarticular, n = 3
11.1FNo. active joints: 2Nothing recorded
Dactylitis: 1
7.7FNo. active joints: 3Nothing recorded
Dactylitis: 1
10.5FNo. active joints: 1Nothing recorded
Nail pits