Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of the AS-etanercept cohort (n = 49). Values are mean (SD) or median (interquartile range) unless otherwise specified.

Demographic variables
  Men, n (%)40 (81.6)
  Age, yrs41.8 (9.2)
  White, n (%)38 (77.6)
Disease-related variables
  Disease duration, yrs12.2 (9.1)
  Symptom duration, yrs15.8 (9.9–23.4)
  Followup duration, yrs2.3 (0.7)
  HLA-B27 positivity, n (%)43 (87.8)
  ESR, < 20 mm/h20.0 (6.0–39.0)
  CRP, < 10 mg/l14.0 (3.0–39.0)
  BASDAI, 0–105.7 (1.6)
  BASFI, 0–105.7 (2.1)
  BASMI, 0–104.4 (2.3)
  History of uveitis, n (%)17 (34.7)
  History of psoriasis, n (%)6 (12.2)
  History of IBD, n (%)3 (6.1)
  History of peripheral arthritis, n (%)16 (32.7)
Radiographic damage
  Total mSASSS, 0–7210.0 (3.8–35.5)
  Total mSASSS + ThSpine, 0–9012.1 (6.8–42.7)
BMD-related variables
  BMI, kg/m226.3 (3.4)
  Menopausal status, n (%)2 (4.1)
  1 or more prevalent VFx, n (%)6 (12.2)
  Smoking, current, n (%)24 (49.0)
BMD variables
  BMD hip0.903 (0.152)
  BMD L2–L41.141 (0.203)
  T score hip−0.92 (1.14)
  T score L2–L4−0.29 (1.77)
  Z score hip−0.81 (1.04)
  Z score L2–L4−0.31 (1.71)
  NSAID, current, n (%)49 (100)
  DMARD, current, n (%)12 (24.5)
  Corticosteroids, current, n (%)1 (2.0)
  Bisphosphonates, current, n (%)3 (6.1)
  • AS: ankylosing spondylitis; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP: C-reactive protein; BASDAI: Bath AS Disease Activity Index; BASFI: Bath AS Functional Index; BASMI: Bath AS Metrology Index; IBD: inflammatory bowel disease; mSASSS: modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spine Score; ThSpine: thoracic spine; BMD: bone mineral density; BMI: body mass index; VFx: vertebral fractures; NSAID: nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug; DMARD: disease-modifying antirheumatic drug.